Highline College

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Staff 2024-11-05T12:41:07+00:00

TRiO Programs Staff

TRiO Student Support Services Staff

To schedule an appointment with any TRiO staff, please contact the TRiO staff you wish to meet with or contact Blia Xiong at bxiong@highline.edu or 206-592-3229.

Tony Au

Tony Au (he/him)

Director of TRIO Programs

Office location: Building 6, Room 158

Tony (uses he/him pronouns) was born and raised in Seattle, WA. He graduated from the University of Washington with a B.A. in Business Administration (Concentrations: Information Systems & Human Resources Management). He obtained his Ed.M. in College Student Services Administration (Specialization: Leadership & Social Justice) from Oregon State University. Tony has nine years of professional higher education experience—four years with housing/residence life at Oregon State University and California State University, Sacramento; three years with TRIO Upward Bound at the University of Washington (the very program that helped him graduate from high school and get into college); and the past two years as Completion Coach & Retention Manager building the Highline College Achievement Program (better known as HCAP) to intentionally and holistically support stopped-out students with returning to Highline College.

Contact Tony at:
Phone: (206) 592-3898


Megan Mihara (she/her)

Program Manager

Office location: Building 6, Room 154

Megan is from the Pacific Northwest, having grown up on Bainbridge Island in a biracial family with a Japanese father and mother of Swedish and Norwegian descent. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Western Washington University and embarked on a fulfilling career in higher education, serving in various roles such a BFET program Specialist and academic advisor at North Seattle College. Megan’s dedication lies in supporting students of all backgrounds and she eagerly looks forward to joining the Trio team at Highline College. Presently residing in Kent with her husband and their two-year-old son, Megan finds joy in her spare time through her passions for travel, arts and crafts, Pilates, and park outings with her little one.

Contact Megan at:
Phone: (206) 592-4504

Blia Xiong

Blia Xiong (she/her)

Program Specialist

Office location: Building 6, Room 156

Blia was not a stranger to Highline when she came to TRiO. She was a former Program Assistant at the Academic Success Centers and a Highline Alumna. Like many TRiO students, Blia is a First Generation Student in her family. She was a youth mentor and volunteer in the Seattle Hmong community from 2010 – 2013. Blia is passionate about helping others to navigate their resources and build a connection. Most of all, she enjoys working closely with and supporting the students in TRiO, and learning new things. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her loved ones, listening to music, watching movies and TV shows on Netflix, and browsing on Pinterest to seek for her next creative project. Blia is a self-taught artist in sketching, acrylic painting, and recently in photography.

Favorite quote: “All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

Contact Blia at:
Phone: (206) 592-3229


TRiO Talent Search Staff

Staff & Contact Information

Talent Search Director: Nitasha Lewis
Phone: 206-592-3493 / Email: nlewis@highline.edu 

Talent Search Manager: Mai Xee Vang (Advises at Mount Rainier High School & Pacific Middle School)
Email: mvang@highline.edu
MRHS work space location: College & Career Center
Pacific Middle School work space location: Care Room (next to the Counselor’s offices)

Talent Search Advisor: TBD (Advises at Foster High School & Showalter Middle School)
Workspace locations at Foster & Showalter: College & Career Centers

Highline College Office Location: Building 6, Room 115 (Located within the Women’s Programs Center)