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Highline College Resources and Programs 2024-03-21T16:27:55+00:00

Highline College Resources and Programs

Passport students may also be eligible to receive support from these programs below:

  • TRiO is a federally funded program that provides low-income, first-generation college students and students with disabilities valuable support and services to persist towards graduation. Services include 1:1 advising, 1:1 tutoring, courses, campus visits, and more.
  • MESA (Math, Engineering, Science, Achievement Program) serves underrepresented students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields with academic support and professional development. Services include a dedicated MESA space, access to computer stations, guest speakers, workshops, and resources for internships and scholarships.
  • Umoja Black Scholars Program is a cohort-based, learning community focused on the educational experiences of African-American and other students. Umoja scholars take one year of courses together and have access to services, including academic advising and counseling, community-building activities, tutoring, and financial aid assistance.
  • Women’s Programs promotes student success by creating an accessible, safe, and welcoming environment to all students. Services include WorkFirst, emergency funding, and academic/professional development opportunities.
  • Workforce Education Services helps qualifying students (certificate or AAS students) with academic and funding support in order to return to the workforce. Their funding programs include Worker Retraining, Opportunity Grant, Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET), Early Achievers, and WorkFirst.