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TRiO Talent Search

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TRiO Talent Search 2024-12-11T11:28:43+00:00

TRiO Talent Search

What is TRiO Talent Search?

The Highline College TRiO Talent Search (TS) is a federally funded educational opportunity program funded by the US Department of Education. It is an academic and support program that helps students in 6-12 grades to succeed through middle and high school, graduate, and continue to college.

Participants receive additional support, services and resources to enhance their educational experience and meet their educational and career goals. The program is free for eligible students admitted into the program.

Who Should Apply for TRIO TS?

  • Students who are interested in defining their goals, learning more about college, and joining a rich learning community
  • Students who want to participate in workshops, field trips, and activities that will contribute to their self, academic, and career development
  • Students that attend schools in our Target Schools list (see below)
  • Students must be either a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Students must be either a first-generation college student (parent(s) do not have bachelor’s degree) or considered low-income

Target Schools

The Highline College Talent Search is located within the Highline Public School District:

View eligibility information and apply


Watch This Video to Learn How Talent Search Can Help You!